How To Merge Property Records


In rare cases where the owner request and offer from your buying website and does not enter their reference number into the form a duplicate record can be created. To merge these duplicate records follow the instructions below. 

  1. From the Property overview page do a search by APN to pull up the duplicate property records.
  2. Select the duplicate records that you would like to merge.
  3. Click the ‘Merge’ option that is above the property table.
  4. Click the arrows to move the data from one record to the center.
    NOTE: You want to use the owner id that is the original record (which has an id number less than the other record.)
  5. Once the middle record has all the information you want to keep click the ‘Merge And Continue’ option to merge the duplicate records into one single record.
  6. To verify the merge, search by APN again on the overview page and only one result should display.

To prevent duplicate records from being created please review these related articles:

How to Avoid Creating Duplicate Records

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