What Is Zapier?
With Zapier you can easily connect and share data to and from the Investment Dominator with over 2000+ other web apps and SAAS systems. A complete app directory can be found at: https://zapier.com/apps
In this article, we are going to explain how to connect the Investment Dominator to Dial Pad to post a contact after a call ends, but first, let’s talk a little about Dial Pad…
What is Dial Pad?
Dialpad is an Ai-powered cloud communication platform that makes it easier and more efficient to connect and collaborate with your team.
How To Connect The Investment Dominator To Dial Pad
Step 1 – Create The Zap Workflow:
First, log in to Zapier.com, then from the dashboard and under the ‘Create your own workflow‘ section, search for “Dial Pad” under the ‘Connect this app…‘ field.
Under the ‘with this one!‘ field search for “Investment Dominator“.
Under the ‘When this happens…’ field select ‘Call State Changed‘.
And under the ‘then do this!‘ field select ‘Post Contact‘:

Click the ‘Try it‘ button to continue with the setup.
Step 2 – Connect To Your Dial Pad Account:

Before you connect your account you will see a prompt if you want to enable a sandbox account for this example we are selecting no or False

Zapier will ask for Access to Dial Pad click Allow
Click the ‘Sign in to Dial Pad‘ button then log in to your account.
Step 3 – Set up the trigger for DialPad

For the field Call Status select the option for Call Ended
Then for Scope select the phone line on which you want this zap performed.
Step 4 – Connect To Your Investment Dominator CRM:
Click on the ‘Sign in to Investment Dominator‘ button and then in the allow popup, enter your API Key and App URL then click the ‘Try Connection‘ button.

NOTE: You can get both your API Key and App URL by logging into your Investment Dominator account as an Admin (with API Permissions enabled) under the ‘Profile> API Credentials‘ section.

Once done connecting make sure under ‘Action Event’ is Post Contact.

If everything looks good, click the ‘Continue‘ button
Step 5 – Setup The Zap Action

The only required information for this will be the Type which we set to 2 for Buyer
As well as First Name which by clicking on the dropdown you can pull directly from DialPad
Some optional information we recommend you add includes Phone Number and Tags these can help for tracking later on.
Complete this mapping processes for every field that you would like to transfer data from then click the ‘Continue‘ button at the bottom of the page to progress to the next step.
Click the ‘Test & Continue‘ button.

If all goes well you will see a message like this:

Now let’s just make sure and verify the record has entered our system correctly. To do this we can go to our marketing tab and look for our new buyer record.
Click the ‘Turn on Zap‘ button to complete the process.
Hooray! Now, when you end a call using DialPad your contact will post into your Investment Dominator CRM it will also be automatically sent to your marketing tab by Zapier!