
How To Export The Payment History For A Note (Loan, or Lease Purchase)

If you need to export the payment history of a Loan or Lease Purchase Note managed in the Investment Dominator please follow these simple steps: First, under the ‘Note‘ tab select the ‘Edit‘ link next to a Note record. Scroll down to the ‘Payments‘ section of the Note. Then click the ‘Export’ option: Video Tutorial:

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Notes: How To Attach A Property To A Note

There are two ways you can attach a property, or properties to a seller financing Note: If you create the Note from the ‘Land>Options>Payment Calculator> Create New Loan‘ or ‘Land>Options>Payment Calculator> Create New Lease Purchase‘ then the system will attach the property record that you were on when you opened the Payment Calculator to the

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Notes: How To Link Buyers To a Loan or Lease Purchase Record

To link buyer(s) to a Loan or Lease Purchase Note first click the ‘Edit‘ link to the right of the Note record that you want to update: Click the ‘Edit Record‘ option to the top right of the screen: Navigate to the ‘Buyer Information‘ section and under the ‘Primary Buyer‘ field select a Buyer Contact

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How To Make Changes/Edits To A Loan/ Lease Purchase Note or Logged Payments

To make changes to a Loan or Lease Purchase Note first, click on the ‘Edit‘ link to the right of the record that you want to update. Next, from the Edit screen, click the ‘Edit Record‘ option located at the top right of the page: This will allow you to edit and save any portion

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Payment Calculator: How to Calculate Loan/ Lease Terms on the Fly (for Land Investing)

When it comes to marketing land, many investors choose to offer two price points: one for a cash purchase and one for a purchase that includes terms. Let’s talk about calculating the terms of a sale with seller financing. Unless you have the Rainman-esque ability to calculate large numbers in your head on the fly, chances

Payment Calculator: How to Calculate Loan/ Lease Terms on the Fly (for Land Investing) Read More »