Though we recommend PatLive as a call center that specializes in taking real estate related calls, it is important to understand that they are a 3rd party company/service and therefore must be managed properly by you just as any other employee/VA in your company would be.
Below are a few tips to help manage your Pat Live account more effectively.

Initial Email
Approximately 1 week after your account setup is complete and you are nearing the time for PATLive Reps to begin answering calls on your account, you must send the instructional management email to the email address:
In email Subject Line put your [Account #, <<First & Last Names>>]
Specify the following in the body of the email:
“Put In Opening Greeting” & “Side-Bar“
- Keep calls to 7 minutes or less.
- OK to interrupt customer to obtain pertinent information.
- If unable to understand customer’s English – It is OK to collect Name & Phone only.
Review Your Monthly Billings
To review your monthly bill by calling PAT Live customer service at 1 800-775-7790. Review your first month’s bills immediately following the first full month of service.
Note: Obtain your username/password from PAT Live customer service agent.
While on the phone with a PAT Live customer care agent do the following:
- Log into your account, (username/password)
- Access “Billing” section
- View – “Mailbox Billing Detail” – see all calls and call minutes being charged
Lodging Formal Complaints Regarding Calls
To lodge a formal complaint contact PAT Live customer service at 1 800-775-7790
Note: We normally lodge formal complaints if we notice 7 or more calls on a billing exceeding 12 minutes in length.
Lodging a formal complaint should result in the following actions:
- PAT Live supervisor will review any months bill and analyze calls sited; as well as, any other excessive calls based on your requirements
- PAT Live supervisor should contact you within 24 – 48 hours and provide a detailed report of analysis findings.
- If you highlight specific calls, supervisors are authorized to provide “PAT Live Promo Minute” credits to your account.
- (Optional) Request that the PAT Live supervisor assign an LR2 Rep or Customer Service Representative to your account in the future.
How PAT Live Bills Calls
In order to fully understand your monthly PAT Live bill, you must first know how calls are billed.
- 1 Minute or Less, (even a quick hang up) gets billed for 1 minute
- Subsequent billing, occurs every 6 seconds, (i.e. 1.1 = 1 min 6 seconds, 1.2 = 1 min 12 seconds, 1.3 = 1 min 18 seconds, etc.)
PAT Live Contact
Phone: 888-899-0607 Email: