Known Issues

2024-02-29 Custom Document> REIPrintMail Integration: We are aware of significant delays when generating custom document campaigns through the REIPrintMail Integration. The delay is influenced by the size of the custom template and the number of recipients. There are two points in the process that are not instant and may take a significant amount of time to process and if the order is canceled or the user abandons the order setup screen prematurely an issue arises:

We are developing new wizard screens that will enable you to configure the custom order and generate it in the background, allowing you to check the status later once the files are ready. While this update won’t reduce processing time, it will let users set up the order, work on something else, and return to it once the files have been processed. We have temporarily removed the REIPrintMail option for Custom Documents until we have put in place these new screens:

We appreciate your patience as we rework this wizard for a better user experience.

2024-04-18 Data Service> Ohio Counties: We are aware of issues regarding owner contact information of properties located in most counties in the State of Ohio. We are currently working to resolve these issues with our data provider. At this time, you are able to pull some records through our Data Service in Ohio however, most of the records will not import due to the missing owner mailing address information.

To view updates made to the Investment Dominator system please reference our change log.