Occasionally you may find yourself in a position where there are several hundred or even a few thousand “Prospect” status records in the Land Deals area and you only want to print out, (or process) as subset of these records.
In order to process a subset of the existing Prospect status records, the following will present the steps to achieve this goal.
Step 1) Select Land Deals And Prospect Stage
Select the ‘Land’ Deals area and then select the ‘Prospect’ stage to display all ‘Prospect’ status records as shown:
Note: ‘Prospect’ stage may display both Prospect and Mailed Letter 1 status records when selecting ‘Prospect’ stage.
Step 2) Select Specific Prospect Records NOT Being Processed
Be sure to select the ‘Prospect’ status records you DO NOT wish to process first, as these records will be placed in another status so the system will bypass processing them at this time.
Note: You can select each record one at a time or use the ‘Search By’ function (selecting ‘Property ID Range’ feature) to select a large number of records at a time. If you use the ‘Search By’ function, be sure to use the ‘Select All‘ box after the successful searching by ‘Property ID Range’ to select all records located in the search.
Step 3) Select ‘Change Status’ To Prevent Selected Records From Being Processed
Select the ‘Change Status’ function above selected records and update status to [On Hold] or some other custom status to prevent selected records from being processed as shown:
Change status of selected records to ‘On Hold’ and press the blue Confirm Move button as shown:
Step 4) Process Remaining ‘Prospect’ Status Records In Campaigns
Now that only the desired ‘Prospect’ status records remain in the system to be processed, access the ‘Campaigns’ function as shown:
Step 5) Select .CSV & Associated Template Files For Mailing
There is a drop down that will be under Prospect Neutral Letter labled as ‘ITI Direct Templates’ this will allow you to generate all files needed for sending to ITI.
You now have the option to download a zip folder containing all necessary elements that you see on the screen now or you can download each individual element these include:
.CSV Template
Prospect Neutral Letter Template
Envelope Template
Note: This process is done using ITI, (Letterprinting.Net) to mail out neutral letters.
FINAL – The final step will be to go back into the Land Deals area and move the ‘On-Hold’ status records (set in Step 3) back to ‘Prospect’ status to be processed at a later time.