In the Marketing section of the Investment Dominator when people view your property ads and contact you for additional information the ‘New Prospect’ script allows you to process that lead and actually set up the sale.
Once the ‘New Prospect’ script has been completed the Investment Dominator now creates an actual Task for you to set a reminder to contact your lead at some point in the near future and facilitate a follow-up conversation to close the sale.
The following illustrates this step-by-step process:
Step 1) Access The ‘New Prospect’ Script
Access the ‘New Prospect’ script by clicking on the ‘Marketing > New Prospect‘ option to activate the Wizard.

The ‘New Prospect’ script allows guides you through the appropriate questions to ask a potential buyer so you can have the best opportunity to close the sale on a given property.
Note: As you answer specific questions in the Wizard, that information is filled into up-coming questions such as [First Name] or [what property are you interested in?].

Step 2) Select A Follow-up Date And Save The New Prospect Information
A crucial step in this process is to select a follow-up appointment date for Investment Dominator to automatically create a Task in the Tasks function and assign that task to your user-id as shown:

Note: The New Prospect record for this lead appears in the Marketing section as shown:

Step 3) Set The Reminder Task To Follow-up
Access the newly generated task in the Tasks section and Edit the record as shown:

Notice how Investment Dominator created the task with the appropriate Title, Description and assigned the task to your User-ID.
Set the Recursion On: field to ‘YES‘ and leave all other fields set to default values (i.e. Daily selection, Every 1 Days) as shown:

Optional – The Start Date: field defaults to have the reminder task pop-up on the day before the follow-up is to occur. If you want the pop-up reminder to start immediately, you will need to change the Start Date: field accordingly as shown:

Set the Reminder: field to ‘YES‘ and update the Remind Me field to 3 Minutes and press the blue Update Task button as shown:

This Reminder option will pop-up each time you login to Investment Dominator until you turn this reminder off and press the green Update and Close button as shown: