When importing prospects from the Investment Dominator Data Service into your system you can access up to 55 filters that allow you to refine your land lists to exactly what you are looking for.
NOTE: By default we do pre-select some standard LPG filters for you, if you would like to learn more about these pre-selected filters please click here.
The State, County, and Market Value options are the main filters that you see on the Generate a New Land List screen:

However, if you click the ‘Advanced Filters(Optional)‘ button you can access the complete list of 55 filters:

Advanced Filter (Optional)
Under this screen, you will see 7 sections each representing a category of filters:
- Most Popular
- Property Information
- Property Characteristics
- Owner of Record
- Transaction Information
- Property Lien Information
- Property Value

If you click on a category section it will toggle open so you can access the additional filters. Here are the filters by category section and a brief description of what they mean:
Most Popular:
- Market Value: Estimated value of the property in the current market.
Zoning Code: Designation indicating the permissible land use.Lot Area (Sq. ft.): Total land area in square feet.- Lot Acreage: Total land area in acres.
- Sale Price: Price at which the property was last sold.
- Last Sale Date: Date of the property’s last sale.
- Assessed Total Value: Total value of the property as assessed by the local authority.
- Assessed Land Value: Assessed value specifically for the land.
- Assessed Improvement Value: Assessed value for improvements made to the property.
Market Total Value: Total estimated value of the property in the current market.Market Land Value: Estimated value specifically for the land.- Land Use Codes: The use codes specified by the county as vacant land.
Property Information:
Street #: Property street number.Pre Direction: Prefix or directional indicator in the street address.- Street Name: Name of the street.
Street Type: Suffix or type of street (e.g., Avenue, Street, Road).- City: City in which the property is located.
- ZIP Code: Postal code of the property location.
- APN: Assessor Parcel Number identifying the property.
Tax Area: Specific area designated for tax purposes.- Census Tract: Geographical area for census data collection.
- Block: Specific block in which the property is situated.
Lot: Lot number associated with the property.Township: Geographical area division.Section: Specific land division.
Property Characteristics:
Site Influence: Factors affecting the property’s surroundings.
Owner of Record:
Include owners with multiple properties?: Option to include owners with multiple properties.Import only one property per owner?: Criteria to import only a single property per owner.Exclude owners on “Do not mail” list?: Exclusion of owners on a “Do not mail” list.- Exclude In-State Owners?: Option to exclude owners residing in the same state.
- Ownership Type: Type of ownership.
Owner Last Name: Last name of the property owner.Owner First Name: First name of the property owner.Exemption: Any property tax exemptions applicable.- Owner Occupied: Indicates if the property is owner-occupied.
Mailing State % Country Bundle: Bundled information of mailing state and country.Mailing State: State in the property owner’s mailing address.Mailing Street #: Street number in the mailing address.Mailing Pre Direction: Prefix or directional indicator in the mailing address.Mailing Street Name: Name of the street in the mailing address.Mailing Street Type: Suffix or type of street in the mailing address.Mailing Unit #: Unit number in the mailing address.Mailing City: City in the mailing address.Mailing ZIP Code: Postal code in the mailing address.- New: Tax Delinquent Year
Transaction Information:
Sale Price Type: Type of sale price recorded.Last Sale Recording Date: Date of the property’s last sale recording.Seller Name: Name of the property seller.
Property Lien Information:
- Mortgage Amount: Amount of mortgage on the property.
Mortgage Recording Date: Date when the mortgage was recorded.Mortgage Type: Type or nature of the mortgage.Interest Rate (%): Percentage rate of interest for the mortgage.
Property Value:
Market Improvement Value: Estimated value specifically for property improvements.