Customize The Offer Contract For Land - (Agreement When Buying)


All of Jack’s letter and contract templates that he uses are preloaded into the Investment Dominator system. If you would like to customize them the best way is to create your own custom document under the ‘Customize> Custom Documents‘ area.

For example to edit the Offers Template please follow the below process…

  1. Go to ‘Customize> Custom Documents
  2. Click the ‘Add Document‘ button
  3. Under the ‘To‘ field select ‘Owner – Land Only
  4. Under the ‘Status’ field select ‘Pending Preliminary Research
  5. Under the ‘Document File Type‘ field select ‘DOC
  6. Under the ‘Document Type‘ select ‘Portrait’
  7. Under the ‘Document Title‘ enter a custom title for your document like “Custom Offer Template”
  8. Under the ‘Document Content‘ editor select the ‘Source‘ button.
  9. Then in the content window copy and paste the text in this file: land-offer-template-when-buying
  10. Under the ‘Allow Generate Envelope/Label‘ field select ‘Label
  11. Under the ‘Allow Export Data‘ field select ‘Yes
  12. Under the ‘Allow Bulk Update‘ field select ‘Yes
  13. Under the ‘Move To‘ field select “Offer/Option Sent
  14. Under the ‘Per Each Property‘ field select ‘ Yes
  15. Click the blue ‘Add‘ button to save the custom document.

Helpful Tip: You can insert a system merge field into your custom document that will pull data from your contact, owner, or property record. Merge fields appear in your template enclosed by brackets like [system-merge-field], and when you create your post, these fields are replaced with the data saved in that field for that record. There are also some advanced ways you can use System Merge Fields.

For Example: You can do simple math with numeric fields by surrounding the fields and forumla that you want to caluclate with two parentheses like this (( )). For example, if you wanted to subtract one field from another, you could enter in (([property-price]-[property-backtaxes])) and that would subtract the backtaxes of a property from your offer amount.

You can format the value of any numeric field into a USD currency format by entering something like USD(([property-price]-[property-backtaxes])) this will return the numeric value in a format like $10,000.00

You can add days to the current date merge field like this [current-date+7] this would take the current date and add 7 days to it.

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