Custom Document> Example Offer Template with MLS POA Clause

If your intention is to list the property with a realtor on the MLS you may want to use this offer agreement.

Copy/Paste the content below into the ‘Source‘ tab of the Custom Document editor:

<div style="width: 94%; margin: 0px auto; font-size:13px; font-family:Times New Roman;">
<div style="text-align: center; font-size:13px;">SALE AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY</div>

<div style="text-align: right;">[current-date]</div>

<div><strong>1. SELLER:</strong><br />
[owner-company-name] [owner-firstname], [owner-lastname] [owner-lastname2], [owner-firstname2]<br />
[owner-address], [owner-address2]<br />
[owner-city] [owner-state], [owner-zip]<br />
<br />
<strong>BUYER:</strong><br />
[my-company-name] and/or Assignees<br />
[my-company-address]<br />
[my-company-city], [my-company-state][my-company-zip]<br />
<br />
The Seller and Buyer, above agree to sell and buy on the terms and conditions specified below, the property situated in the County of [property-county], State of [property-state] described as:<br />
<br />
<strong>Assessor&#39;s Parcel Number:</strong> [property-apn]<br />
<strong>Legal Description:</strong> (See Exhibit &quot;A&quot;)<br />

<div>2. <strong>PURCHASE PRICE:</strong> USD(([property-price]-[property-backtaxes])) (Net to Seller), payable by Buyer in U.S. funds. All funds paid at closing must be paid by cashier&#39;s check.<br />

<div>3. <strong>CASH:</strong> Buyer will pay cash for the Property with no financing contingency.<br />

<div>4. <strong>CLOSING DATE; OCCUPANCY:</strong> This contract will be closed and the deed and possession delivered on or before [current-date+180], unless extended by other provisions of this contract. Failure to close by said date will render the contract null and void and unenforceable. Buyer retains the right to cancel sale agreement any time for any reason.<br />

<div>5. <strong>CLOSING PROCEDURE; COSTS:</strong><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (a) Buyer will pay all costs of escrow, taxes, recording fees, and title insurance policy to said property.<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (b) This sale will be closed by: a reputable Title Company, or a Notary Public.<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (c) Buyer has the right to market property in any way.<br />

<div>6. <strong>TITLE:</strong> Seller will convey marketable title to the property by statutory Warranty/Grant Deed or Trustee, Personal Representative, or Guardian Deed as appropriate to the Seller&#39;s status.<br />

<div>7. <strong>OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE:</strong> This offer shall automatically expire on [current-date+15] at 5:00 pm <strong>(Eastern Standard Time)</strong>, if not accepted within that time. This offer may only be accepted by Seller in writing if postmarked by the above date.<br />

<div>8. <strong>ASSIGNMENT/RIGHTS:</strong> Upon acceptance of this offer, Seller specifically authorizes and gives permission to the Buyer to immediately list the property on any and all multiple listing services (MLS) for the purpose of marketing and selling the property. This includes executing listing agreements, listing agreement addedums, disclosures, sales contracts and addendums..<br />
<br />
This agreement is binding on the heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns of Buyer and Seller. By signing below, each party accepts this offer.</div>


<div>Seller ________________________________________________________________________ Date_____________<br />

<div>Seller ________________________________________________________________________ Date_____________<br />

<div>Buyer ________________________________________________________________________ Date_____________<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [my-firstname] [my-lastname] manager of [my-company-name]</div>

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