Bulk Actions vs. Select Record Actions


In the Investment Dominator, there are two different types of actions, ‘Bulk Actions’ that are based on records in a particular status and ‘Select Record Actions’ which are based on the records you select from the table.

The ‘Select Record Actions’ can be accessed at the top of the record table itself and ‘Bulk Record Actions’ can be accessed above the record table section.

In this example, if you select 3 records from the table and then click the select record action called ‘Generate Documents‘ on top of the table then 3 documents will be generated for the selected records only.

If you instead select the bulk action called ‘Campaigns‘ which is above the record table area, then you will generate documents in bulk based on the status of the records.

For example…

  • To generate the Neutral Letters under ‘Campaigns‘ you must have records in the ‘Prospect‘ status.
  • To generate Offers, or Options under ‘Campaigns‘ you must have records in the ‘Pending Preliminary Research‘ status and you must also have an ‘Offer Amount’ specified which is greater than the ‘Back Taxes‘ amount. You should also have the Owners Name fields filled out, the Property APN and Property Short or Long Legal Description.

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