2021-01-04 Live Training Call

2021-01-04 Feature Page

On this live training call, we discussed…

  • What are the Investment Dominator [Big-3] setup requirements – 4:10
    • Signature/Profile              – 5:10
    • Company Info                  – 11:20
    • Domains                           – 26:20
  • What to do if I want to review the [Big-3] setup requirements immediately – 37:00
  • What are 4 new Investment Dominator Articles released for reference – 40:15
    • How to Effectively Report Technical Issues For Support
    • How to Track Neutral Letter Conversion Rates in ID
    • How to Instruct PAT Live to take Customer Calls
    • How to Pull Comparable(s) for Market Value Calculations
  • What are 2 new Investment Dominator Articles to be released next week – 49:15



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