2020-11-12 Live Training Call

2020-11-12 Feature Page

On this live training call, we discussed…

  • What are the various call Centers to take Neutral Letter phone calls – 4:15
  • How to determine the specific Neutral Letter template being sent out to customers – 7:00
  • Is it advisable use a .NET extension vs a .COM extension on the domain names for the Buying/Selling sites in Investment Dominator  – 12:40
  • How do TAGs work in the Investment Dominator – 15:20
  • How to delete TAGs globally from within the Investment Dominator  – 20:40
  • How to modify land records so the listings appear with all appropriate pictures on Selling Site in Investment Dominator – 24:00
  • How to modify default Date information on Neutral Letters in Investment Dominator – 30:55
  • Is it necessary to handle any House Keeping efforts with older land records in Investment Dominator – 38:45
  • After mailing 979 Neutral Letters to one county and receiving 5 phone calls, is this an acceptable response rate – 48:05
  • How to handle a Seller who is also working with a realtor in negotiating a sell price for a parcel – 53:40
  • What is the update regarding the Data Tree integration into Investment Dominator – 56:45
  • What is the AgentPro247 Data Formatting Tool generated by Josiah Stacy as it relates to the Investment Dominator – 59:15



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