2019-12-12 Live Training Call

2019-12-12 Feature Page

On this live training call, we discussed…

  • Is it necessary to purchase a domain for the Optin Page in the Investment Dominator – 6:00
  • What is the recommended last week to send out Neutral Letters for year-end from the Investment Dominator – 08:00
  • How to remove any reference to Sell Your House Fast from the buying site in the Investment Dominator – 13:20
  • What is the rationale for always completing a Title Search prior to marketing any property under contract – 21:40
  • How to produce a customized Second Offer template from within the Investment Dominator – 33:40
  • Is it always necessary to call Sellers when they enter an offer request by way of the buying site in Investment Dominator – 44:50
  • How to utilize the Set Offer/Option Amounts function in the Investment Dominator  – 52:05



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